Who, What, Where, When, Why
The 5 "W's", remember that from school. With my first post I'll try and answer the 5 "w's" the best I can. I remember something about throwing How in there too, but I figured "with a blog" pretty much answers How.
Who: MadGator - aka Cory - I am just a regular guy, married with a daughter. I work the UW Colleges system (UW Two Year Community Colleges) as a Senior Network Administrator. I spend most of my time there working with Servers, Firewalls, Computers, and various other computer type technologies. When I'm not at work I am spending time with my wife and daughter, every moment of which I greatly cherish. What time I have left I usually spend either Fishing or Playing DOD (both of which I'll get into later). That's pretty much who I am, Cory, Husband, Father, Angler, Gamer. Pretty much sums it up.
What: Well primarily, I am hoping to turn this into a fishing journal. Using our W rules to document my various fishing excursions. I will also be filling in the gaps with various life musings and news. I will at some point be posting this blog on Lake Link, in hopes other Madison area anglers will read/write/comment they're angling experiences.
Where: The obvious is the Madison Chain of lakes -- Mendota, Monona, Waubessa, Wingra. I also on occasion will fish Rock Lake, Lake Wiscsonsin, Lake Columbia, Mississippi River. We recently purchased some property up north in the Lake Camelot Community, this will give me access to a couple more lakes as well. I occasionally go on fishing trips so documentation of those will also be included, possibly with much less detail.
When: I do most of my fishing during the spring/summer/fall seasons. I am not much of an ice fisherman, but will venture out on occasion. I am aslo starting this prior to the 2006 fishing season, I had actually wanted to wait a bit but there will be some things coming shortly that I wanted to document.
Why: I love to fish. I read a ton of articles, website, magazines about fishing and attend a couple seminars a year. One thing I have come across as a common theme is to document your angling results and to use that documentation to better yourself as angler. If you are interested take a look at Lake-Link and you will see what I am talking about. I don't think that this will ever become what Lake Link is, but I do hope that it's my own personal version of LLs mission. This is actually my second attempt at blogging, I tried using bloglines before, but just really didn't like the interface. The whole idea of trying again has really be sparked by my wife and her crazy knitting friends, they have started a knitting blog and it has inspired me to try once again.
First Post Done!
so you didn't have much to do at work today, huh? Well, i think that you should add in tidbits about knitting - they are just more interesting than fishing. :D anyway, welcome to blogging. ha ha ha
Blogs are for dorks.
So nice blog.
So, I've inspired you to start another blog. That's so cute!
Citizen journalism isn't dorky. That's empowering, man.
So strut your angler-journalism, citizen blogger Cory!
(OK, maybe that's a stretch)
Oh, and BTW - you should add http:// to the cw.com and cm.com links so they work...
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