Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Madison Fishing Expo

WOOHOO!!!! It's finally here!!!! The Madison Fishing Expo, is something I have been looking forward since the lakes froze. There are tons of vendors, and several really cool seminars. I usually attend the show with Charlie and my brother Celly has been also been coming. Unfortuantely Celly can't make it this year, and my other brother Chris will be in Mexico (lucky). My favorite part about the Expo, is there are usually one or two vendors that have fishing poles HALF OFF! And I am not talking about cheapy rods. My plan is to pick up one new rod for an Okuma Spinning real that doesn't have a mate, I haven't decided what size, but I might just take best available. I am also going to look at baitcaster reals, to replace my Abu Garcia Torno, depending on what kind of deals I find will determine if I pick one up. I'm planning on attending the Madison Forum, Fly Fishing Spring Creeks, Musky Fishing, and Bass Fishing seminars. Although, the Fly Fishing and Bass Fishing may be up in the air. I would normally be excited about the Bass Fishing one, but the speaker is the same as last year, who actually had two talks last year that were the same. Not to mention they really didn't apply to northern natural lake fishing. So thats it, be there or be square!!!

On a similar note, I have been pretty down and crabby this week. Sorry Foxy!!! My new job is much more stressfull than what I am used to, not to mention I have been busting my butt getting things ready for our NARK meeting this week. I am traveling to Wausau to meet with the other Net Admins from all of our campuses to discuss IT topics, I have two presentations, that I am not really prepared for. I also think the recent snow has reminded me that the fishing season is much farther away than the January weather had indicated. The weather here has been pretty annoying, too warm to ice fish and to cold to open water fish BOOOO. Usually, I would revert back to my winter time hobby of DOD, but gaming just doesn't seem to be filling the gap this winter. I am however, looking forward to Foxy moving to days possibly in the near future. Boo is becoming more than a handfull, and between work and fatherhood I think it might be stressing me out more than I am used to. Maybe this night away at the NARK will do me some good, along with a date night with my wife which I have been looking forward to since before VD. I am also hoping to get on the hard water one more time before the ice thaws with charlie, hopefully next weekend.


At 4:14 PM, Blogger Roxy said...

Hopefully VD means Valentine's Day and not Venerial Disease!

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Roxy said...

Hopefully VD means Valentine's Day and not Venerial Disease!


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