Friday, June 08, 2007

A little less choking, and a little more Winning!!!!

Lots to talk about today, so fishing first. Title says it all, May 22 was RCBA Tournament #2, it was supposed to be held on Waubessa, but due to conflicts with another local tournament we moved it to Kegonsa. I was little worried about that because I had never fished there. So the Sunday prior I headed down to the Keg for some prefishing. I Fished a bunch of docs, probably covering 1/4 - 1/2 of the shoreline. I caught a number of fish, but only two or three that measured. The Yahara river connects right where the launch is, so I swung up there and had a number of strikes. I decided that on Tournament day that's where I would focus on. My idea paid off big time. I weighed four fish 15, 15, 16 3/4, and 18 inches, for a total of 160 oz. (not for sure on that total). I ended up winning the tournament and recording big fish, total winnings of $125. OH YEAH!!!!! I was pretty excited, my move paid off for my boating partner as well, as he came in second place. All but one fish was caught on Watermelon YUM dingers (including the big girl) and the other on a white Zoom Horny Toad. I have a pic of the 18 that I will post when I get some time. Next Tourney is on Browns, it's an early morning one, so be fun.

I took a half day last Friday and headed to Monona for a couple hours. I thew a Yum Dinger under a dock, first cast a nice legal fish. Then zero'd for the next hour or so. I moved over into Turville Bay and started chucking a Zoom toad, and picked up another 5 or 6 fish. Nothing too exciting but it was fun. The weather turned south pretty quick so I had to cut the trip a bit short. However, I made it home just as the rain was starting.

Lastly, summertime is in full swing and so are the projects. Over the past month we've painted the living room and hallway, rota tilled a section of lawn with bad grass and replanted, added an addition to our vast deck which is now close to 850 sq ft, and had a ginormous Silver Maple removed from the front yard, also removed the two remaining pine trees in the back. Talk about busy. This weekend we have parties up the yin yang. Although it will be nice to take a break from house projects. I'm pretty excited about going to Devil's lake on Sunday. Planning on wetting a line anyway, and I think we'll try and get Boo some fish as well.

Pictures...One thing I lack are pictures we have lots of them, but they are stored in digital heaven generally on the camera or buried on my hard drive at home. I'd really like to purchase a USB hard drive and start storing our media on it. I think it would make organization easier as well as back up easier. I also think it would be easier to get them onto a Flickr account. I'm going to watch some tech sites and when I find a good deal go ahead and purchase one. I'm running out of space on my PC so I feel like this might be a good option. Not only to free up some HD space, but create a fairly portable way of storing my pictures and possibly music. I do need to replace the hard drives in my computer as they are about 6 years old.


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