Two Days and Counting...
Two more days until the May 5th game fish opener here in the land of cheese. I'm pretty pumped, we've had stable weather for the last week. With temps in the mid 60's to mid 70's. In the meantime I took the 'ole bass tracker out on Mendota and landed 3 nice gills the largest of which measured 9" and two crappies one of which I kept. I actually KEPT fish, not only that I cleaned them when I got home for Foxy. I pretty much butchered them however, it was my first attempt at cleaning fish. My grandpa gave me an electric knife which worked pretty good and being the geek I am, I had the laptop setup next to me with fish cleaning instructions. GG Internet. Anyway, temps on Mendota were in the 59-63 degree range so the opener is looking spectacular. Downside to this is the lakes are going to be busy and fishing pressure could lead to a tough bite. Only time will tell.
On another note, I would first like to apologize to my beer mates for the verbal flogging I gave them about my distaste for the band Radiohead and the music production software ProTools. New rules, don't argue with Cory about music, politics, or religion after he's had a Anyway, I still stand by my statement that Radiohead is probably the worst band in history and that Thome Yorke is pansie, pretentious, faux musical genius, that has been shoved down consumers throats (or into their ears) for far too long. Whoever paid off of some record exec to promote Radiohead as gods gift to music should be publicly ostracized and hung out to dry. Seriously, they are terrible and we as consumers of music have been lead to believe that poor, pathetic Thom Yorke is some sort of phenomenal, musically superior, gift from on high. BS. This is guy is a fake and all you radiohead faithful just ate it up. Face it the band is bad, Thom Yorke is a chump, and a roving band of rabid chimpanzees could make better music with their eyes closed. I sorry, that's my opinion. Take it or leave I won't change. In the end the worst part about radiohead is how people are so devout to them as if their music cures disease and ends poverty, I'm sorry Thom Yorke but the world already has one Bono and that's plenty. Believe me this isn't my first argument over the sorry bunch whiny brits, and it probably won't be my last. Believe it or not radiohead junkies, I'm not the only one who doesn't like this band, do yourself a favor and google radiohead sucks and you might learn a thing or to.
Until next time...Tight Lines and RadioHead still sucks.
Cory, you don't need to apologize for arguing your opinions. You’re certainly afforded the right to have strong feelings about a certain subject. Although, this particular subject happens to be a band that I hold in high regard so I also have some opinions on the matter. And who doesn’t like a good internet debate?
First, I just wanted to address a couple points in your rant because you seem to believe in the misinformation you're tossing around. Super models and Ferrari's? Thom has been with his girlfriend (now his wife and mother of his child) since he was in college. He was in a bad car accident when he was younger and is actually paranoid about cars in general. This is documented well in songs like "Airbag," "Killer Cars," and "Stupid Car." Please show me where you're getting your information from, other than just making it up or hearsay. I'd be happy to be proved wrong about his Ferrari ownership, but what kind of car he drives doesn't really concern me. You really think Metallica doesn't own any expensive, fancy cars? Does that mean they suck too?
For me, Radiohead has consistently awed me in their musical ability to put together songs with many layers, amazing arrangements and meaningful lyrics. At a low point in my life, they were one of the few things I had that helped me get through tough times. I connect with the paranoia and the hope that shine through in a lot of the songs. They’re certainly not always easy to get into, either. They followed up one of the best albums of the 90’s, Ok Computer, with a complete left turn into synthesizers, electronica and obscure lyrics in Kid A. Not everyone got it and they probably lost some fans. It doesn’t matter though, because Radiohead continue to evolve and play the music they want to play. They create music, in my opinion one of the most amazing things humans can do, and they do it well. They are one of the most popular bands in the world. Any country they go to, they can sell out almost immediately.
I will also touch on the topic of subjectivity. This relates to the idea that something is peculiar to a particular individual. This is an idea that is completely affected by personal views, experience and background. Your musical tastes are subjective. So are mine. So are everyone’s. It doesn’t mean someone else is wrong for having differing tastes. I hate country, but I totally respect that there are people that are making this music that others absolutely love.
You are arguing that Radiohead sucks. You are supporting that argument with statements like:
“Whoever paid off of some record exec to promote Radiohead as gods gift to music should be publicly ostracized and hung out to dry. Seriously, they are terrible”
“This is guy is a fake and all you radiohead faithful just ate it up.”
You provide no substantial claims to back up these ascertains, other than the logic “They suck, because I say they suck, so they suck.” By the way, what do you have against a group of people standing up for the environment, world poverty and corrupt governments? “The world already has one Bono and that’s plenty.” Please… the world could use a lot more than one outspoken humanist.
Basically, what it comes down to is, you can have these opinions, you can talk shit all you want about Thom and Radiohead. But it doesn’t change the fact that people are going to like and not like certain things. If you don’t get it, fine, but don’t act like you are somehow the holder of higher knowledge of what sucks and does not suck musically and you can talk down to people who don’t share your taste of music. It’s all completely personal and subjective.
And that all said, I totally respect you and the views you have, I just happen to have a differing viewpoint! Doesn’t make me right or wrong.
I've read and researched your comment. FYI I have modified my post to remove said ferarri and supermodel arm candy (although I did like that). However, the rest stays as the rest is my simple opinion. Also, you have completely proven my point about radiohead fans. Per typical radiohead junkies you can't accept critisism of the band members or it's music. I can except critism of the music I listen too and will admit it's shortcommings. Last point I'm not the only one...
/rant #3 (I guess).
MadGator, taste is different but it's very daring to say Radiohead is musically "shit"..
But whatever, it is your opinion..
Why am I not allowed to dislike this band? Masses continue assimilation!!!! I'm truely sorry for refusing to be force fed more crap for the machine. I am refusing assimilation, must run, must hide, clown (or thome york oh wait he's a vegan, that might be an issue) will eat me. I shall climb aboard my gas loving SUV and blast fart noises from it's speakers, while consuming raw meat in protest of radioheadism.
Pretentious or not that's why America loves the Brits. What about Coldplay, Franz Fredinand, The Darkness, The Who and Pink Floyd? Just to name a few of the British bands you listen to.
There is a huge influence on American culture from the British whether you like it or not. Maybe, both countries need to get a clue from Ireland ;)
madgator, you sound kinda desperate... had a bad day? There is no industry forcing you to like Radiohead. They are themselves "outsiders"... long time since I've seen them on MTV! :-D I must say that this band has proven over the years that they could reinvent themselves. They could have done OK Computer 2, 3, 4 and they didn't. But you know, I'm not gonna quote myself for truth and judge who should be hung because in the end, it's only MY opinion, and I'm one single person on the planet...
"Face it the band is bad."
I'm good thanks.
well i suppose it is fitting that you are an avid fisherman and also a radiohead hater. i'm here to say fuck subjectivity, radiohead is without a doubt on a level that you couldn't even begin to fathom. you clearly know nothing about music....pitiful.
Honestly..... shoved down people's throats? You have to be kidding, right? Your kidding.... You have to be.
Another thing, who honestly hates a band (any band) that bad that they would spend a paragraph on their blog ranting about how badly they suck? Can I just say, who cares? Really, whether they suck or not, who cares?
They are gonna stick around, because the fact is, they are a great band, whether you think they are or not.
When was the last time you heard Radiohead played on the radio? How about seeing them on Tv? Compared to most of the crappy pop and rock bands out today Radiohead hardly gets any attention from the media at all.
Think before you claim their music is "shoved down consumer's throats".
You say that radiohead fans can't take criticism like they should just read your criticism and just say, well OK, if MadGator says that radiohead suck on his blog, then I guess they do. Jake posed a better argument than you and you responded by telling him that he couldn't take criticism. You can like your music in peace and we'll like ours in peace. Peace.
Why does it irrate you all so much that I just don't like this band? As far as knowing nothing about music, I have been playing music since I was 10 years old, I'm 29 now. I think I know a thing or two about music. This blog post was in responce to a debate I was having with some of my friends. Either way, there are bands I like and bands I don't. Radiohead bothers me, I don't like the music, and I do believe that Radiohead has been shoved down peoples throat, not via radio play or MTV, but rather false critical aclimation. Just because a band isn't on steady rotation or on MTV (which last time I checked didn't really have any music on it anyway), doesn't mean they are not promoted heavily via the industry themselves like outlets such as Rolling Stone or Spin mags or should I say rags.
you're not the only one that hates radiohead for, arguably, unfair reasons. when certain fans run around touting their favorite band as the best in the universe, it is inevitable that there will be a backlash. keep in mind that bands are not responsible for their fans. to comment on a couple of your arguments: radiohead is highly covered by the media, but they have attempted to shy away from said attention, unlike bands like u2 and coldplay. also, opinions relating to the quality of thom yorke's voice are just that, opinions. you may know about music, but just about every noteworthy music critic disagrees with you on this point. that's ok, though. some people like radiohead while others like sh*t.
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