Biggest Trout Eva
Well, not the biggest trout ever but for me it was. Now I've really only caught a handfull of trout, but I've really only been fishing them for about two years and in those two years have probably only gone fishing for them 10 times. I stopped by Token Creek on the afternoon of March 21st. It was probalby 35-37 degrees outside and sunny. I've read you are supposed to fish the early trout season during the warmest part of the day, I was there around 2:00. I managed a couple small ones in the 5-7" range. Then suddenly from out of nowhere this pig just slams my spinner, I saw him flash and said out loud "It's Huge!!!" I fought him for a good 2-3 minutes, on my 4lb test line and ultralight rod. She was probalby 15-16", I think it was a brown. I am having trouble determining what species I am catching. I took a quick pic with my phone, that turned out pretty poorly and released her. I was shaking and had to take a minute just to compose myself. What a fight!!! I continued on for a bit, but was down to one spinner. I managed another two small ones. I then decided I better head to the bait shop before I lost my finale spinner. White was the hot color, 1/16oz weight, I had already lost one other spinner and two mimic minnows. I went and bought three more white ones, from the bait shop in DeForest, nice old guy runs the shop. Anyway, by the time I got back it was really starting to get cold and I couldn't find any more fish. I did have a swing and a miss in the pond. I was quite happy with the day over all. Even the little guys fight like they have something to prove. Man would have loved to get that baby on the fly rod, but I have no idea how I would have gotten where I was in the trees with my 8ft rod. If I ever find my Bluetooth adapter for my PC -> Phone connection I'll post the pic, but thats not likely to happen any time soon. Not to mention the Pic is pretty poor.
On another note, if you are looking for a tasty listening treat. I picked up the Arctic Monkeys disk which I happened to hear about on some VH1 show Rox was watching about a week ago. It's actually really really good. The show hinted at a Strokes likeness and it's definately there, with a little more British tones to it. Anyway, good disk check it out.
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