Wii would like to Play!

Since the release of the new Nintendo Wii gaming console I have decided it's something I would love to get for xmas. It's really the only thing I want. I know they are in short supply so I'm not holding my breathe or anything, but it would be awesome. Nintendo has taken a bold step to redesign the overall concept of what a gaming console should be. I have to be honest, I have my share of gaming paraphernalia Xbox, PS2, and PC. I have probably 40 games between them. The only games I ever play is DOD, DOD:S, and Madden 2005 (the Pack was actually good that year). So I was not super excited about the release of the newest players into the video game market which include the Xbox 360, PS3, and Nintendo Wii. I would also like to state that I am in no way a Nintendo Fanboy. So while the Xbox 360 and PS3 have horse power, the Nintendo has done something revolutionary, and that is the Wiimote (Nintendo prefers you call it the Wii Remote, but man Wiimote just sounds cool). The Wiimote is a completely new take on the same old two handed controller. It operates using a combination of IR, Bluetooth wireless, and motion sensing technology, to let the user get more involved in the game.
For instance, playing a baseball game you swing the Wiimote like a bat to hit and you throw it (not literally) like a ball to pitch. In Zelda, you swing the Wiimote like a sword and pull it back and aim it like a bow and arrow. I am envisioning getting together with a group of people young or old playing something like WiiSports or Super Smash Brothers having a blast same as you would with a game like Catch Phrase or Trivial Pursuit. The concept of the Wii is to get everyone involved and just have fun, vs. the other consoles which seem to primarily be meant for showing off your new $4000.00 HDTV. Everyone obviously has a right to choose whatever they want, but to me the social aspects of the Wii totally outweigh the eye candy offered up by the competitors. The best part about this is seeing Sony just getting it handed to them, and having to submit to I'm sure what they view as a lesser enterprise in Nintendo and MS for that matter. Here are some links to fun Wiisites and Wiivids, check it out for yourself....