Tuesday, April 04, 2006

UPDATE: Gander Mountain doesn't Suck!!!!

So yesterday at lunch, which I am going to talk about in a minute as well, I received a call from the East Side Gander Mountain Store manager. He apologized several times for what had happened. He also said he ordered several new Eagle 502c Fish Finders from the warehouse and that they would be in by the weekend. Now, today he left me another message that he had received the unit and was holding it for me on his desk. Chalk one up for the little guy. I explained to him what had happened and he voiced his concern over some of the current employees, and also agreed with me about my points. My explanation was almost verbatim from my previous post, mostly because I had just written it. My only hope is that my complaint will leave a lasting impression on the Gander Mountain East employees and managers. Maybe they just need a little reminder about what customer service is. The manager was very apologetic and very nice. So thank you Gander Mountain for taking the time to listen to a very loyal customer, unfortunately for Foxy, it looks like the Gander Mountain Boycott was cut a little short. Now for the West side store...MUHAHAHA!!!!!

Ok, back to lunch...Yesterday (and today) I spent about 20 minutes during my lunch break over at the Lake Wingra dam. Early in the spring the Wingra muskies make their annual run up Wingra creek from their winter time home Lake Monona to Lake Wingra. This trip would be much easier had the City of Madison not added a dam. Well, the muskies don't care they just JUMP IT!!!!! Yesterday, I didn't see any jump the dam, but saw a bunch of huge Muskies just chillin right below the spillway. Today, however, I did see two make the jump. One made it, the other will have to try again. Not only did I get to see two jump, but I got to see one musky that was on the dam make it's run to the lake. This was also very cool. The damn is probably 10 - 15 yards long, the water on the dam is probably 2-12 inches, so the musky once they make the jump onto the dam have to scury another 15 yards in rushing water to make it to the lake. The whole process is very cool and takes a couple weeks to complete. It's pretty sweet seeing these beautiful fish accomplish something very unique. I'm going again tomorrow, and I am going to bring the camera. It's supposed to rain Thursday and Friday, otherwise I would probably go those two days as well.


At 5:52 PM, Blogger Roxy said...

Is it going to rain on Saturday? I want to see the muskies jump.

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF!!! Pick me up for lunch and take me bish!


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