Weekend Fishing Report
So I decided if I was going to go fishing this weekend, it was going to have to be early. I woke up at 5:00 Saturday morning. This was extremely difficult to do. I always tell myself I am going to wake up early and go fishing, but then usually by the time I get up and get moving it's 8, 9, or 10:00 and I miss the good period in the early morning. I wake up, get dressed, and give Foxy a good bye kiss, she rolls over and says "have fun Crazy," and promptly fell back asleep. As I am making my drive to Lake Monona, I see the sun suddenly beam brightly over the tree line and I think to myself, this should be fun and I am crazy. Much to my surprise there is quite a pack of boats already on the lake and at the boat launch. It's still relatively cold and by this time is probably about 5:45. The quiet is suddenly broken as a large ski boat PULLING A SKIER drives by. Another guy looks at me and says, "now that's crazy," I agreed. I launched the boat and made a short run to the Squaw Bay south shoreline. I hit a new record on the GPS miles per hour at 28.8mph. The lake was calm, almost no wind. The water was very clear and hovering around 57 degrees. Bass were hitting the surface all around me, so I decided to put the chatterbait down and throw a buzzbait. No luck. I put tied the chatterbait back on, and landed a small one. After about a 45 minutes, I tied a white/chartreuse spinnerbait on. No Luck. I tied a white/red 1/4oz chatterbait on, landed one dink. I switched back to the blue/black after about an hour. Shad were busting the surface all around, the whole time I am slowly working my way towards Turville bay. I am probably a long cast from the shoreline, and as far as I could tell I had opportunities to cast either towards shore or away. Over the next couple hours I landed another dink and one keeper on the blue/black cb. I had probably 2-3 bass just slap it, but miss the hook or I missed the hookset. I saw three muskies in the 30-35" range. I saw a lot of bass, some good sized, sitting on beds. I don't think spawn has really started by any stretch of the word on Monona yet. This week of warmer weather should really get things in motion. I did enjoy fishing early, the lake is quiet, only fishermen for the most part on the water, and the fishing was decent. The downfall is a I pretty much fell asleep at 9:00 only to have boo, slap me on the stomach and yell "TICKLE TICKLE" in my face. It was probably funny to foxy, but to me it was terrifying...lol. On a side note, I got a couple bass in Monona bay during the week last week, all on a blue/black chatterbait, all in the keeper range. Will be out this week as well. Tight Lines to all!!!!!